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Otis F. Putnam, IV
Address:  Brunswick, GA 31520
Phone: (912) 230-9387.
E-mail address: otisputnamforstatesenate@yahoo.com
Age: 27
Church: First Baptist Church
Wife: Julie Putnam
Son: Flint Putnam
College: North Georgia College
Political Experience: Candidate Glynn County Board of Education (2000)
Employment: Retail Business
Political Party :Democrat

Organization: Golden Isles Chamber of Commerce, Glynn County Democratic
Party, Georgia Democratic Party.
Campaign Manager: Julie Putnam
Internet/Web Site/ Communications Manager: Derrick Smith
Operations Manager: Mark Hopkins
 My ambition is to become a public servant! I feel that
public service is one of the highest honors in life! I want to run an
informative and clean campaign!

Platform: Education:
 We need to fine tune House Bill 1187. I feel that
test scores are still low, and high school drop out is on the rise! We
need more technical training choices in the high schools. The State
Report card for 2001 was rated as a B+. I feel that our School System
should achieve an A+ on future reports cards, because our children are
the cornerstones of our society, and we must keep those cornerstones
strong by supplying our children with the best education! Let's not let
Georgia continue to be on the bottom rung on the education ladder(test
Scores versus national averages)! I want Georgia to be one of the top
rungs of the education ladder!
 We must do more than we are doing to revive Georgia's economy!
We have a surplus, but we are sacrificing certain programs to cut the
budget! We must come up with new and fresh ideas to revive Georgia's
economy, i.e. boost tourism, cut taxes, refund checks!

Flag issue:
 I feel that flag issue should have been voted on by the
citizens of Georgia. This was a very important issue. I would have
honored either flag, as long as it was approved by the voters of Georgia!
I understand, why some citizens wanted to change the flag, and I
understand why some citizens wanted to keep the flag the way it was, but
this issue should have been decided by our voters of Georgia!
Health Care:
 The General Assembly can do more for health care for the
citizens of Georgia. There was a good start to this health care change
with the passing of Senate Bill 378, this bill make health care
insurance providers to tell its policy holders in detail everything the
policy covers and does not cover, when they first obtain the insurance
coverage. This is a first step, but so much more can be done!
Sand Issue:
House Bill 1021 was recently passed, and this bill states
that sand can be dredged from coastal harbors and that sand can be used
on adjacent beaches. Let's use this sand! We need to keep tourism
strong for the economy of Georgia.
 The State of Georgia should not spend any more funds than it
needs to maintain its functions! We should not cut any educational
program during this budget cut situation. A program that will be cut ,is
the foreign language programs in the lower grades. This program has
proven that students, who study foreign languages in the lower grades
will develop better language skills, and those same student will score
better on test. Test scores are too low in Georgia. I cannot
understand, why they choose to cut a program that can improve test
Family Values:
 We need to keep marriages strong and give self sufficient
families the ability to survive. We must build strong family values in
Georgia. Senate Bill 569 is a good start, but more needs to be done.
Senate Bill 569 is public policy that helps to strengthen marriages and
give help to self sufficient families help. The fact of the matter is
that, no matter how many laws we are passed to help family values, the
choice is up to each and every individual in Georgia. Let's give our
children the best future possible!!
Water Issue:
 We need to solve this water issue in Southeast Georgia.
People have said that they do not really know the extent of problem of
the water situation. They must study this issue and find a solution to
solve the water system problems. We should have more foresight and
maintain our water systems, or we will always be in this situation.
 We have many Transportation issues that need to
be visited. The Northern Arc need to be completed. I am for any
improvement to ease traffic congestion and traffic accidents. There may
be many obstacles for the Northern Arc, i.e. buying the land for this
Arc, etc. We must find other land or ways to complete the Northern Arc,
which will allow Georgia a safer travel to their destination. I support
the completion of GRIPP. GRIPP is the highway project that four lanes
highways throughout Georgia. We need those four lane highways. These
highways will take travel less difficult, and could attract business to
the area. I support funding for a rural transit system. This transit
system can cut traffic and make a great amount of revenue for the State
of Georgia. Lets move forward on all of these issues.